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8.0.3 is now available

Merative Social Program Management 8.0.3

Merative™ Social Program Management is a leading solution for supporting the end-to-end social program and care coordination service delivery process. Merative Social Program Management includes key enhancements to help citizens, caseworkers, and developers.

Citizen productivity

  • Citizens completing a benefit application can now more intuitively manage their household member information. Citizens can now modify member information and add or remove household members at any point in the application process.

Caseworker productivity

  • Actions commonly performed by caseworkers, that were previously hidden in action menus, are now placed on the page. These common actions are more visible and readily available, reducing the number of clicks required to complete most frequent business workflows, helping caseworkers to work more efficiently.

  • Caseworkers can now enter information directly in the application with confidence. Using a new autorecovery feature, if their session is interrupted before the caseworker saves their work, on logging back in the caseworker is returned to where they were and their data is restored.

  • Caseworkers can now capture lengthy Notes and Contact Logs over a number of sessions, so they can manage interruptions and other priority tasks in parallel. Clients can configure the time period during which caseworkers are permitted to edit their notes and contact logs. After the editable period elapses, comments can still be appended.

  • Contact Logs can contain large amount of information on interactions with clients and it can be difficult for caseworkers to find information that they need. A new subject line lets caseworkers summarize the content for subsequent scanning or searching. In addition, search was enhanced to find keywords or terms in both in the new subject or the contact log narrative.

These improvements can help caseworkers work more efficiently, allowing them to spend less time on administration in the system, and more time with clients and families.

Developer productivity

  • The UI add-on development environment for Social Program Management has been enhanced with new functionality and improved technical documentation. Developers can more easily build rich user interfaces based on the open source IBM Carbon Design System.
  • The introduction of design tokens in Merative SPM Citizen Engagement enables business analysts and developers to more easily rebrand to their agency’s brand guidelines, while ensuring that accessibility standards are maintained.

For more details about these features, see the What’s new in 8.0.3 and the 8.0.3 release notes.