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Cúram Learning Paths

Cúram offers different Learning Paths as a way for you to learn how to perform a certain job role, or acquire the knowledge for a particular skillset.

Our Learning Paths are comprised of courses (listed on the Available Courses page) that you take in a specific order, so that you build up the knowledge in an appropriate order and don’t miss out on something that underpins a more advanced topic.

To review full details of the paths and courses contained, please download Cúram_TrainingPaths_Courses.pdf

Developer Learning Paths

Technical Fundamentals 8.X

  1. Introduction to the Merative Cúram Platform 8.X: Functional Overview
  2. Social Program Management Success Stories
  3. Merative Cúram 8.X Technical Overview
  4. Merative Cúram on Kubernetes for Business Consultants

V8.X Developer Certification

  1. Merative Cúram for Developer (ADE) 8.X
  2. Merative Cúram for Developers (Customization) 8.X
  3. Merative Cúram Development Environment 8.X: Sandbox
  4. Cúram V8.X ADE Accreditation
  5. Cúram V8.X Customization Certification
  6. Booking Cúram 8.X Certification

Specialized Developer - Universal Access (Backend)

  1. Merative SPM Universal Access for Developers
  2. Merative SPM Intelligent Evidence Gathering (IEG) for Developers
  3. Merative Cúram Express Rules for Developers 8.X
  4. Merative Cúram - Developing REST APIs

Citizen Engagement / Universal Access (Front End)

  1. Merative SPM Design System for Designers
  2. Merative SPM Design System for Developers
  3. Merative SPM Universal Access for Developers (Responsive Web Application)

Business User Learning Paths

Cúram Functional User (Non-Certified) 8.X

  1. Introduction to Merative Cúram Platform 8.X: Functional Overview
  2. (optional) Cúram Development Environment 8.X for BAs: Sandbox
  3. Fundamentals of Cúram Financial Management
  4. Social Program Management Success Stories

Cúram Business Analyst 8.X (Certified)

  1. Fundamentals of the Merative Cúram Platform for Business Analyst 8.X
  2. Business Certification Advice
  3. (optional) Cúram Development Environment 8.X for BAs: Sandbox
  4. Cúram 8.X Business Analyst Certification