Rich Text Editor

You can enter formatted text information in the Rich Text Editor with a keyboard or screen reader by placing focus on the Rich Text Editor toolbar.

The Rich Text Editor in the IBM Cúram Social Program Management application enables users to enter, format, and style text. By default, focus is given to the text area in the editor that allows users to enter unformatted text information. To enter formatted text information, you must access the Rich Text Editor toolbar.

Use the following steps to enter formatted text with a keyboard, screen reader, or a combination of both:

  1. Give focus to the Rich Text Editor text area by using the Tab key.
  2. Press Alt+F10 to give focus to the toolbar.
  3. Navigate through options in the toolbar by using the Tab key or the Up Arrow or Down Arrow keys.
  4. Press Enter to select an option in the toolbar. The focus is automatically brought back to the text area.
  5. Press Esc to exit the toolbar without making a selection.