The following sections outlines how a user with disabilities can upload and validate a new IEG script in the administration application:
Compose an IEG Script offline in an XML editor.
In the administration application, select the Administration Workspace
Application Section.
In the Section Shortcuts Panel select the Intelligent Evidence Gathering
Within this category select the Scripts link. This opens a page that
contains a search form and an option to import IEG Scripts.
To import the offline IEG Script, select the Import page action.
This opens a modal dialog that contains a form. Enter the required IEG script name into the appropriate input field.
Select the IEG script Browse button. This opens a Windows Explorer
dialog allowing the newly created offline IEG script to be selected.
Once selected, press the Save modal dialog button. This validates the
XML in the IEG script. If no validation errors are encountered, the IEG script is uploaded to the
online application.
Once the modal has closed, search for the newly uploaded IEG script in the search form provided. The search results display in the list below the search form.
Find the IEG script in question in the list and select the corresponding list action button.
Select the Validate option. This opens a modal dialog that prompts the user
to select the Datastore Schema that corresponds to the IEG script.
Once a schema is selected, press the Validate modal button. This
validates the IEG script. Any validation errors encountered are displayed in the open modal
The corresponding properties file(s) can be uploaded via the Application
Resources link in the Intelligent Evidence Gathering shortcut panel category.
On the Application Resources page, select the Add Resource page
This opens a modal dialog that contains a form. Fill in the appropriate details for the required property resource.
Select the content Browse button. This opens a Windows Explorer dialog
allowing a new property file to be selected.
Select the Save modal button. This will add the resource to the online