
Navigate and interact with tabs and their content in the IBM Cúram Social Program Management application by using a screen reader and keyboard.

The IBM Cúram Social Program Management application is divided into a hierarchical structure with tab navigation at each level; application sections, application tabs, content area navigation bar tabs and in page navigation tabs. Accessibility controls are integrated into these tab navigation elements to help keyboard and screen readers.

Use the following steps to navigate and interact with these tabs and their content by using a screen reader, a keyboard, or a combination of both:

  1. Give focus to the selected tab in the tab bar by using the Tab key. Only the selected tab can be given focus by using the Tab key.
  2. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to navigate through each tab in the tab bar.
  3. When a tab receives focus, you can press the Tab key to access the content in the selected tab.
  4. To close a tab, give focus to the relevant tab and press the Delete key. On Microsoft™ Windows™, you can also press Ctrl+W.
    Pressing Shift+F10 with focus on the tab title, or right-clicking the tab title, opens a context menu with the option to close the tab if available. Not all tabs can be closed as the delete function can be disabled.
  5. To expand an action menu, press Shift+Enter.