Tablet support
The IBM Cúram Social Program Management application has been certified for use on a tablet.
For the optimum user experience on a tablet, the following prerequisites are recommended:
- Use a supported web browser. For more information, see the Web Browsers section under the Supported Software tab in the Software Product Compatibility Reports related link.
- The minimum recommended resolution is 1366x768. The optimum DPI setting is Normal size.
- Use a tablet device with dimensions of approximately 8 inches (21 centimeters) and above. The minimum recommended view-port size is 1024x768.
- Use the device in a landscape orientation to maximize screen width.
- For users with low vision, accessibility is certified against VoiceOver on the iOS platform that uses an external keyboard.
- Use an external keyboard for intensive data entry tasks.
- Use a reliable network connection, for example, wifi. The application’s performance is limited by the quality of the network connection. Degradation in the network connection reduces application performance.
Microsoft Word integration
Android and iOS do not support integration technologies.