Deprecated functionality

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of IBM Cúram Social Program Management, be aware of the various features that are deprecated from the current version and earlier releases of Social Program Management.

Deprecated icon This icon indicates deprecated functionality in the product documentation.

Refer to the release notes for details of the artifacts that were deprecated for each feature. When a feature is deprecated, IBM continues to support the feature, but no longer plans to enhance it and might remove the capability in a subsequent release of the product. For more information about deprecated functionality, see the Release Notes.

The descriptions indicate deprecated features that have already been removed from the product. For information about removed features, see Removed features.

The following sections group deprecated features according to the version of Social Program Management in which they were deprecated, starting with more recent versions. Each section lists the features alphabetically by name.

Version 8.0.1

Configuring IEG currency symbols
The REACT_APP_CURRENCY_MASK_LEFT_ADDON and REACT_APP_CURRENCY_MASK_RIGHT_ADDON environment variables are deprecated. The variables were used to configure the currency symbol that is displayed for currency fields in IEG forms. The variables have been replaced by the REACT_APP_CURRENCY_MASK_ADDON environment variable. For more information, see Configuring currency symbols.

Version 8.0.0

The ClientAccess functionality that is provided with the deprecated Case and Participant Index (CPI) component of the Social Enterprise Collaboration (SEC) module that allows for external client data to be viewed in SEC folders and in the citizen context viewer is deprecated.
Universal Access APIs for password reset

The following APIs are not suitable for production and are now deprecated. Customers must provide their own authentication implementation, see Security for the Universal Access Responsive Web Application.

  • /ua/email_password_reset
  • /ua/secret_question_password_reset
  • /ua/password_reset
Caseworker UI
The JavaServer Pages (JSP) that render the calendar for the date picker are deprecated. The JSP is no longer used as it is effectively replaced by Carbon. The JSP file is %CURAMCDEJ%//lib/curam/web/popups/date-selector.jsp. The Citizen Portal does not use this JSP. The date picker in the Citizen Portal uses the DateTextBox from the UI toolkit and is referenced in
ScanMilestoneDeliveryStartDate and ScanMilestoneDeliveryEndDate
ScanMilestoneDeliveryStartDate and ScanMilestoneDeliveryEndDate batch processes are deprecated as they have been replaced by new batch processes ScanMilestoneDeliveryStartDateBatch and ScanMilestoneDeliveryEndDateBatch that use the batch streaming infrastructure.

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Version 7.0.10

Flex Discussion Widget
The Flex Discussion Widget is deprecated because it is no longer used by any UIM pages. All instances of the Flex version of this widget were replaced with regular UIM pages.
Flex Widget for the SEC Rich Text Editor
The Rich Text Editor in the Social Enterprise Collaboration (SEC) MDTWorkspace is deprecated because it is no longer used by any UIM pages. All instances of the Flex version of the Rich Text Editor were already replaced with the CKEditor JavaScript Rich Text Editor.
Flex Widget for the Universal Access Rich Text Editor
The Rich Text Editor in Universal Access is deprecated because it is no longer used by any UIM pages. All instances of the Flex version of the Rich Text Editor were already replaced with the CKEditor JavaScript Rich Text Editor.
Timeline and Progress Timeline (Outcome Plan Workspace)
The Timeline and Progress Timeline (Outcome Plan Workspace) Flex Widget is deprecated because a JavaScript™ alternative is available by default.

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Version 7.0.2

Evidence broker
An enhanced version of the evidence broker was released in version 7.0.2 and the original version of the evidence broker has been deprecated. For customers who choose to continue using the previous version of the evidence broker, some configuration is required, as described in the Enabling Evidence Broker 1 section in the Cúram Upgrade Guide. For more information about theCúram Upgrade Guide, see Getting started with an upgrade in the Version 7.0.4 IBM Cúram Upgrade Helper pack. For more information about the previous version of the evidence broker, see IBM Cúram Social Program Management version 7.0.1 Evidence Broker documentation.
FILE_EDIT widget
The Microsoft™ Word integration feature FILE_EDIT is deprecated. FILE_EDIT widget allows a user to edit a Microsoft Word document on their local computer and then save it to the Social Program Management database.
Person/Prospect Person Evidence Sharing Automation
This section applies only to evidence sharing with the evidence broker version 7.0.1.x and earlier, which corresponds to the value of the ENV_ADVANCED_EVIDENCE_SHARING_SHARING_ENABLED property being set to NO. See the Evidence broker section for more information about how sharing occurs when the ENV_ADVANCED_EVIDENCE_SHARING_SHARING_ENABLED property is set to YES.

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Version 7.0.0

Business Intelligence & Analytics (BI&A): Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) and DB2 ETLs
Oracle Warehouse Builder ETL and DB2 ETL code is deprecated.
Case Determination Graphical Display
The Case Determination Flex Widget is deprecated because it is part of the Case Determination feature that was deprecated in Social Program Management 7.0.0.
Cúram Express Rules (CER) Key Decision Factors
Key Decision Factors rules and the graphical/list view display of key events within a case that form part of the CER infrastructure is deprecated. Decision Details rules are available to implement the display of similar key event information.
Cúram Provider Management (CPM): Performance Monitoring
The CPM Performance Monitoring functionality that provides the ability to configure performance measures and evaluation criteria for a provider to enable agencies to measure provider performance is deprecated.
Cúram Provider Management (CPM) Taxonomy
The CPM taxonomy functionality that provides the ability to establish a hierarchy of terms and index those terms to provider service offerings for use in searching for services is deprecated.
Evidence Flow
The Evidence Flow view of evidence displayed within the Evidence Workspace was deprecated. For information about the feature's removal from the product in Version 8.0.0, see Removed features. The Evidence Dashboard view is available to users to manage evidence within a case.
Generic Search Server
The Generic Search Server (GSS) that uses Lucene for indexing and search functionality within the product is deprecated.
Health Care Reform (HCR): Intake Reports
The HCR Intake Reports provided to help address the ability for agencies to manage failed applications is deprecated.
Legacy Employment Contribution Entities
Entities that enabled customers to implement contribution-based solutions in employment areas such as pensions and unemployment insurance tax is deprecated. For information about the feature's removal from the product in Version 8.0.0, see Removed features. Existing framework functionality including the liability product, financial manager, and employer participant type can be used for the basis of an employment contribution solution.
Non-Identical Evidence Mapping (Superseded)
The original version of non-identical evidence mapping functionality that supported evidence sharing only where evidence was identical down to the domain definition level is deprecated. A new version that provides enhanced ability to map evidence with different domains is available.
Over/Underpayments Graphical View
The graphical view of over/underpayments generated within a Product Delivery case is deprecated. For information about the feature's removal from the product in Version 8.0.0, see Removed features. The Statement view is available to users for understanding the history of over/underpayments within a case.
Social Enterprise Collaboration (SEC):Case & Participant Index (CPI)
CPI functionality provided as part of the SEC module to enable Master Data Management (MDM) capabilities and display of information from an external system within Cúram is deprecated.
Spell Checker
The Spell Checker add-on to the rich text editing feature that is found in functionality such as Notes is deprecated. All supported browsers now include built in spell checking capabilities that can be used as an alternative.

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The Flex versions of Business Intelligence Charts
The Flex versions of Social Program Management Business Intelligence Charts are deprecated. All provided BIRT charts that were previously rendered by using Flex/Flash have been rendered in native BIRT format as PNG images since Social Program Management

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Version 6.0.5

Intelligent Evidence Gathering (IEG)
IEG 1 is deprecated and superseded by IEG 2.

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Version 6.0.0

Short Name Substitution
The short name substitution feature is deprecated. The supported third-party databases no longer have the SQL identifier limitations that originally necessitated the feature. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to use the feature and it has been removed from the product documentation. If you still require the feature, contact your IBM support representative for the information that was available previously in the documentation.

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